Our Expert Model

What is our Expert Consulting Model

CamIn's Unique Expert Model

We assemble and manage teams of technology and industry experts who are selected on a per-project basis, instead of relying on internal analysts like traditional consulting firms.

We conduct a thorough due-diligence process when selecting external experts to become part-time members of our consulting team.

Only world-class experts are selected who already have a deep understanding of the technologies and industries relevant to a specific project.

Why do companies choose CamIn?
Access to 100,000+ world-class technology and industry experts

Our approach
CamIn builds and manages agile interdisciplinary teams of external experts.

Our clients obtain strategic direction from CamIn's methodologies and insights from the best-informed people in the world today.

We de-risk investments into new technologies and ensure our clients can seize emerging opportunities.
The benefits of our model

Top 1% in their fields of expertise

Direct access to external experts who work for institutions ranging from MIT and Fraunhofer to IBM and Covestro.

We screen our external experts rigorously to confirm their credentials and their ability to identify strategic opportunities.

Our external experts peer-review recommendations during the research process ensuring our conclusions are clear, accurate, and objective.

Access to 100k+ experts

On a per-project basis, we handpick and assemble interdisciplinary teams from a dynamic network of 100,000+ external experts.

Unlike traditional consulting firms that are restricted to their in-house expertise, we provide insights directly from industry and science experts.

From diversification strategy to deep technology due diligence, CamIn builds teams that identify the right innovation for the right opportunity.

Teams comprised 80%+ experts

‍Our consulting project teams are 80%+ experts with a diverse set of opinions, resulting in an objective output.‍

We select the expertise in the areas most relevant to your strategic goals, giving you granular insights from day one.

We handpick specialists with deep expertise in relevant technologies and industries, making our insights robust, rigorous, and objective.‍

Strategic insights in 3 months

We work alongside your teams to reduce their workload and to accelerate your innovation, backed by the experience of our experts.

Our in-house principals develop the project’s objectives before identifying, selecting, and managing the expert consulting team.

We extract the high-value insights from the team’s research and provide clear strategic recommendations you can act on today.
Our Expert-based Project Teams

Our experts help us cut through the technology hype from start-ups and generalist consultants and identify specific use cases you can act on.

Our Science & Technology Experts have roles in world-class universities and research institutes such as:

Berkeley ● Cornell ● MIT ● Cambridge  Oxford ● TU Delft ● Imperial ● Johns Hopkins ● KU Leuven ● LSE ● McGill ● NREL  Northwestern ● TU Munich ● Fraunhofer Institute (and more)

Our Industry Experts developed their expertise through their work for prominent companies such as:

Deutsche Bank ● Morgan Stanley ● IKEA ● British Gas ● Philips ● Unilever ● Microsoft ● Qualcomm ● IBM ● Ericsson ● Apple ● Pfizer ● Adobe ● Walmart ● Covestro ● Huntsman ● NHS ● GSK ● GE ● Roche (and more)